If the year 2020 has been a particularly traumatic period for humanity because of the coronavirus pandemic, in Haiti, the population could count on the talent and unfailing commitment of local artists like Darline Desca. Because of her remarkable work and her undeniable talent, the MAGHAITI Media Group awarded her the distinction of “Best Female Artist for the year 2020“.
Indeed, the 37-year-old singer had rather an eventful year despite the confinement, curfew and insecurity that paralyzed cultural activities in Haiti. In her personal life, she had to deal with several dramas such as, the sudden death of her father last June, followed by another member of her family, although, in spite of her grief, the artist did not let herself be discouraged and continued to work to satisfy an audience visibly in need of distraction. Here, we are not talking about a marketing stunt to try to sell unconfirmed talent, we are putting the spotlight on an outstanding singer who reinvented herself and achieved a feat after several years of hard work
First of all, shortly before the expansion of the COVID-19 in the world, on March 13, 2020, Darline Desca publishes the video “M Pa Kyè” in collaboration with the singer Roody Roodboy, who is very well known. This collaboration can be considered as the best and most fruitful collaboration of the current year. At each of their numerous performances, the authors were unable to charm the audience with their voice as long as the jubilant crowd sang the hit song at the top of their voices. The song was easy to pick up, funny, with a wild beat and hilarious slogans that delighted the fans. In fact, the video clip in question has already reached 7.9 million views on YouTube at the time of writing this article, 9 months after its release. A successful duo and a great victory for the performer of “Sa mwen ye“.
On July 12, 2020, Darline Desca delivers a second live performance on social networks, in order to raise funds for the hospital where she was born, the Centre Obstetrico Gynecologique Isaïe Jeanty – Leo Audain, which is located in the commune of Chancerelles. Thanks to this initiative, whose video has been seen more than 435,000 times on Facebook, the singer and her team were able to give to the hospital a generator with a capacity of 70 Kilowatts for the needs of the operating rooms.
Since then, Darline Desca has continued to multiply her successful performances throughout the country and in the diaspora as well. Whether in Kenscoff, Léogâne, Cap-Haitien, Jacmel, Gonaïves, Delmas, Tabarre, Pétion Ville, Fort liberté, Ouanaminthe, Petit Goâve, the DD phenomenon has conquered Haitian society.

Darline is also a committed artist who follows the socio-political news of the country. She was among the first public figures to denounce the kidnapping and murder of the young schoolgirl Evelyne Sicère.
After having visited and laid flowers at the old garbage dump where the bandits had thrown the girl’s body, she wrote on her Facebook page: “We lost a young lady that we may not have had time to know and love, but we gained an angel. GO IN PEACE LITTLE ANGEL”. A way for the singer to prove that she is also revolted by these criminal acts that are repeated too often in Haiti.
Her recent performance at the tribute to the diva Emeline Michel called “La nuit d’Emeline” (Emeline’s Night) was hailed by cultural critics.
With 875 thousand subscribers on Instagram, 170 thousand fans on Facebook, 106 subscribers on YouTube, 130 thousand followers on Twitter, far from the buzz and low-level scandals, Darline Desca has managed to distinguish herself as the most successful artist of the year 2020. Each photo of her published on the web causes a lot of waves. With a well worked body, sexy outfits, a provocative look , the beauty of DD makes more than one dream.
It is a year of success, a golden year for the interpreter of “Pik Makaya“, who is gradually becoming one of the legends of the Haitian Music Industry. It has been a long road, but most of it remains to be done. Thank you Darline!
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