What is Moise Lena Jean Louis the Miss Haiti International 2021 currently doing?
She is in her pioneering journey of self-branding. She continually claims the right to be extraordinary. Everything she does is inspired by the beautiful city she comes from in southern Haiti. Where she was born in the house of the Leriche family in Carrefour Cadet, Petit-Trou de Nippes. She currently lives in Staten Island, New York, a neighborhood where everything in her real life of triumph brings her closer to her first theatrical play. Formerly Miss Haiti International 2021, this time she sets out to conquer all her efforts within everything that motivates her.
Moise Lena pursues a goal to understand the parallel worlds from the role in the real-life story called “Rising Up”. A play that depicts the lives of six Holocaust survivors who lived on Staten Island. Alongside her previous public engagement during 2018 Eco-Festival week at her associate degree college, Kingsborough Community College; a commitment where she first started a patriotic movement she calls “Speaking Up”. Something to help her connect the inspiring dots and nurture her voice so she elevates the vision she aims to influence for the good of Haiti.
Since your coronation in the Miss Haiti International contest in 2021, what have you done with your career?
My year-long career as Miss Haiti International 2021 is now on the back burner. Nevertheless, I have a lot of new opportunities thanks to the title. The title was an additional auspicious feather in my cap. Let’s not forget that I am a co-author of the book “Speaking Worlds”, published in 2011. The book offers an elegant and engaging portrait worthy of each author, once a citizen of their country of origin, while presenting a multiple oral history in their respective language, which was later transcribed into English for a brief account of their life before coming to the United States. In addition to my role as an actress, transformed from a figure of migration of a Jewish woman. This role in “Rising Up” underlines the magnificent talent that I have in communicating with others. It is a symbol of ambassador and devotion to the path that I follow.
Have you participated in other competitions since?
No not yet. May be I will participate in the next Miss contest, in the year 2024. At my age, I do not know if that will be possible, but I will inform you when and if that thought can come to fruition.
What are you doing with such an amazing 2021 win and experience?
Some of you have asked about the reign. I am currently trying to understand this too, so I have decided to think about it, because during the pandemic that is to say when I was crowned Miss Haiti International 2021, I felt that my activities were limited, as health safety measurements were at stake. The Haiti International Pageant organization was kind enough not to pressure what I was doing to fulfill my duty. It is a gesture of understanding that continues to encourage me with the conversation in which my platform advocates for the psychological well-being of Haitian children. Two years later, I hope to have the opportunity to make new connections and to have enriching ideas so that I accomplish the first steps that I have taken, and for this article to help me to spread my wings.
Would you say that your career has been a great success?
Oh yes! Everyone, my closed ones in particular, knows that I am a persistent person with a healthy obsession, and I want to be known as the one that always gets the job done, even if it takes time. That is why I realized that despite everything, I was not going to be able to immediately capture the attention of the fast paced American culture with my success. I was still very happy with how everything turned out with the pageant. This experience gave me the zest to evolve professionally, as well as being a know-how woman. In case I want to relive this experience, I will be doubly equipped to win what there is to win.
Do you currently have an activity to which you devote all your time?
Ah yes, but to tell you, since the second day, I was in Hollywood, Florida after being crowned, I was walking in the neighboring area. It was very hot and I was very tired from all the planning before entering the competition. In one of the drug stores, at the newsstand, I started flipping through the pages of a printed magazine, I just had the thought that I would not get much out of this amazing win ahead of me. Then I felt so aware of it since. Then while I was on stage with the crown that I was honored to have placed on my head. It was when I said that if nothing extraordinary comes of it, the least I can do is to keep the conversation going for as long as possible. Also, spending times volunteering with organizations that interest me have gave me much emotion of joy. There is so much pressure to blend in with the Miss crown, but I held my crown up this year in a very unexpected way. However, I think my time remains the constant search of enthusiasm to make an impact with this conversation about physiological well-being.
What are your short and long term goals?
It becomes imperative to show my irrepressible individuality. To learn a lot of skills, entailing theatrical writing and to understand the public is two of my long term goals. I think they merge perfectly with my goal of becoming a public representative in Haiti and internationally.
What should your fans expect from you?
It seems like I definitely have not understood the power of social media. Because I really do not have any fans. I think that is how I am able to focus on myself and to just be Tinana. Because I refuse to evoke an illusion of authenticity. I really prefer to be who I am from the inside. But at the request of anyone who is serious about working with me for the betterment of Haiti, the best way to reach me is through my email: moiselena@usa.com
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